Patio Covers: Benefits, Types, and How to Choose the Right One
May 12, 2023![Patio covers - siding installation](
Are you ready to extend your outdoor living space and make the most of your summer? Patio covers are an ideal and often necessary addition to a home. But if you’re new to the idea, or just researching to ensure you make the best choice possible, you may feel overwhelmed. That’s where we come in. Today, we’re going to be talking all about patio covers: the benefits, types, and tips for picking the right one.
How Patio Covers Can Cool Your Home
Patio covers can help cool your home by providing much-needed shade in the summer months. On hot days, adding a patio cover to your backyard is an efficient way to keep your home’s temperature and energy costs down. The fabric on patio covers is designed to reduce the sun’s direct exposure and can protect outdoor furniture and equipment from strong UV rays. This will reduce the amount of heated air entering the house and decrease the amount of air conditioning needed during the day.
On the other hand, patio covers are not necessarily a surefire way to guarantee a significantly cooler indoor temperature in all cases. Since they only offer partial sun protection, certain areas of your backyard may still get direct exposure so depending on which part of your house catches most heat from solar gain, you might still require additional air conditioning for full coverage. For certain climates and temperatures, this could mean that investing in a patio cover might not be effective or cost-efficient.
That being said, there is plenty of evidence that patio covers can ultimately add value by reducing energy costs with improved insulation for both chillier winter nights and hotter summer days. An analysis of weatherization systems including patio covers says that reducing cooling load is a critical factor for successful energy savings as well as installing awnings that limit solar gains during summer months to potentially achieve up to 40% energy savings in any given room or space.
By now it should be clear that with careful consideration when selecting the right type of patio cover, it provides an excellent opportunity to make enjoying your outdoor space more comfortable while also benefiting your pocketbook year round. Moving on from here, we’ll explore how else we can do our part for nature — all while taking advantage of the many benefits that come with having a patio cover installed.
Benefits of Patio Covers for the Environment
Patio covers offer numerous benefits to the environment. While they can help cool your home, patio covers can also protect natural resources by reducing energy use and helping combat climate change. Additionally, in urban areas, patio covers provide much needed shade which aids in keeping buildings and urban areas cooler.
On one hand, patio covers require materials and manufacturing processes that may be energy intensive and sometimes produce carbon emissions. On the other hand, the energy conservation benefits of installing a patio cover to decrease your air conditioner’s running time easily outweighs these impacts. Studies show that on average, most residential patio covers block between 77%-95% of direct sunlight without compromising airflow or visibility. This means that total energy savings from using a patio cover are significant over time. Studies conducted at University of Arizona have found that a medium sized patio cover can reduce cooling costs by up to 15%.
By investing in a patio cover, you are not only making your home more comfortable, but you are helping fight climate change and its effects on both people and the planet. By providing shade, staying cooler becomes more achievable while using fewer resources. Furthermore, with a little creativity and upcycling techniques, you can use a patio cover to bring nature into your home and soothe the soul in more ways than one.
The right choice of patio cover will help keep your outdoor furniture warm and functioning as well as extend their lifetime significantly; an added plus which makes these shades even more attractive. Furthermore, the right material of choice for the frame will not only help you shield your furniture from harmful UV rays but also ensure it is still able to adapt to any weather conditions experienced outside.
Protecting and Shielding outdoor Furnishings from Sun and Heat Damage
Patio covers can provide more than just protection for the environment; they can also ensure that outdoor furniture remains protected from sun and heat damage which can destroy expensive fabric, paint, or varnish. Sun exposure is considered one of the most damaging elements to outdoor furnishing due to the ultraviolet rays breaking down components of furniture over time. As a result, it’s important to create shade to minimize sun exposure, and patio covers are an excellent solution.
It’s important to keep in mind that not all patio covers will provide equal levels of protection for your outdoor furniture. Some materials may be better suited for covering certain types of furniture; for example, highly durable acrylic fabrics with UV-resistant coatings may be beneficial for protecting metal outdoor furniture while canvas-covered structures may provide an ideal amount of protection for wooden chairs and sofas. Thus, be sure to browse through different types of patio covers before settling on an option.
In terms of other options for protecting outdoor furnishings from sun and heat damage, some people argue that protective covers or tarps are sufficient enough. However, these items often do not provide adequate protection as they easily blow off in heavy winds regardless of how securely they are tied down. Additionally, because most protective covers and tarps come in light colors, they can trap heat under them which could also cause excessive wear and tear on outdoor furniture if left underneath them under extreme temperatures for extended periods of time.
Ultimately then, a patio cover is the preferred option for long-term outdoor furnishing protection due to its secure construction and choice of colors which help significantly reduce their impact on local temperature levels.
Overall, patio covers are a great way to protect furniture from sun and heat damage, but it’s important that you choose the right material and color that suits your specific needs. With such an array of styles on the market today, you should have no trouble finding an appropriate cover for both your budget and space requirements without compromising on quality or longevity.
Conserving Energy by Lowering Temperature
Patio covers are a great way to reduce the heat and exposure to direct sunlight. As an added benefit, they can also help you conserve energy by lowering the temperature in your outdoor space. Having a patio cover installed can reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your home significantly. On hot days, the cover blocks some of that heat from entering your home, reducing the amount of time your air conditioning must run in order to keep your house comfortable inside.
Energy-wise patio covers can also protect and shield outdoor furnishings from sun and heat damage. A shaded outdoor area can absorb less solar radiation than an uncovered area, reducing the amount of heat absorbed within the objects on the patio or terrace. Covering your outdoor furniture with fabric or other materials can provide additional protection against excess sun exposure, while still allowing some sun to pass through and evenly distribute some warmth. By choosing a light material that preferably includes reflective properties, you’ll be optimizing your patio cover benefits even more.
Making the decision to install a patio cover is not just economical but it makes for more enjoyable outdoor living experiences as well. The advantages of installing shade coverage in your outdoor space have become increasingly evident. Whether you choose to cover a pergola, deck, or balcony – no matter what option you end up selecting, you’ll benefit from improved comfort and reduced energy consumption as well as conserved energy throughout the duration of its use.
The Advantages of a Summertime Shade Coverage in Your Outdoor Space
Having some kind of summertime shade coverage can offer a significant number of advantages to your outdoor space. It allows for more comfortable seating in the areas being covered, since direct sunlight can be blocked or reduced with these types of patio covers. In addition to this, they also provide extra protection from rain or occasional inclement weather, which can help keep furniture from getting wet or damaged. Furthermore, if you are looking to entertain and host guests outdoors for social gatherings, a patio cover can offer extended periods of shade to make the gatherings more enjoyable and comfortable.
There is some disagreement about whether installing a patio cover can really save energy by lowering temperatures during the warmer months of the year. Some point to increased heat mitigation on sunny days while others steadfastly maintain that natural materials used in patio covers can contribute to trapping heat and making an outdoor area even hotter than before. However, there has been research conducted that suggests clever positioning with the installation of patio covers can indeed influence cooling temperatures during hot summer periods.
In conclusion, the advantages offered by having summertime shade coverage in your outdoor space cannot be underestimated. Comfortable seating options and protection from inclement weather are pros enough; yet, when considering the potential perks of increased temperature regulation with strategically positioned patio covers, it may be even more worth exploring as an option for your own outdoor space.
Materials for Patio Covers: Low-Maintenance Durability and Weatherproofing
When looking for patio covers, materials are one of the most important factors to consider. Low-maintenance, durable materials that are weatherproof are key components to look for when selecting a patio cover. Whether you want a lightweight, portable patio cover or a more substantial free-standing structure, there are many different types of material options to choose from.
Aluminum is one of the most popular choices and has become increasingly popular due to its versatility and corrosion resistance. It is also less expensive than other, longer-lasting materials like steel or cedar and requires little maintenance. Another material choice is plastic; it’s lightweight, easy to install, attractive and often considered an inexpensive alternative to metal structures.
Wood patio covers can offer a more luxurious feel as well as protection from inclement weather. Cedar and redwood are popular choices due to their durability and resistance to rot and pests, though they can be difficult to care for and maintain over time. With proper sealing, these types of wood covers can last for years and hold up against UV rays and moisture.
No matter what type of material you prefer, it’s important to get a quality product with proper installation so that it can withstand the elements properly throughout the year. If you’re not sure which type of covering would be best for your space, speak to a professional who will be able to answer any questions you may have about materials and installation processes.
Proper consideration of coverage material is an important step in selecting the right type of patio cover for your outdoor space – an investment that can add value to your home while also giving you relief from the sun in the summertime heat.
Different Types of Patio Cover Material Options
When it comes to selecting a patio cover material, there are numerous options that can give your backyard the look and feel you desire. A popular choice among homeowners is wood—it’s versatile, can provide a rustic charm, and can be painted or stained for a customized style. While wood is aesthetically pleasing, however durability and low maintenance can pose an issue due to splintering and warping from exposure to the elements.
Metal patio covers, on the other hand, are built to withstand outdoor conditions and maintain their attractive appearance over time. Metal patio covers typically come in different shapes and sizes and are either built as permanent installations or collapsible structures. Not only do they provide protection from sun and rain damage, but they also offer more security than fabric alternatives due to their stronger frame construction.
Vinyl patio covers are a third option that many choose for its sleek design, graceful curves, long-lasting durability. This material is often used by homeowners who want to make a statement with their outdoor space without having to put too much effort into upkeep. In addition, vinyl patio covers come in different colors so you can choose to accentuate any landscape design you have in mind.
Finally, another durable option is fabric patio covers which offer protection from the sun’s UV rays while still allowing some natural light into your outdoor space. These shades come in various styles such as retractable awnings and stationary models that range from canvas to vinyl fabrics that are treated to be waterproof and mildew resistant.
Whether you choose metal, wood, vinyl or fabric for your patio cover will depend on several factors including cost, design preferences and maintenance requirements. Ultimately, with all the options available on the market today you can find one that will suit your needs and lifestyle while giving your outdoor space plenty of style points at the same time.